Benefits of Hiking

Mount Olympus Expedition Tour

Why is hiking good for us?

Feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, listening to the sound of the wind rustling through the trees above, and experiencing the soft, earthy feel of the trail beneath your boots are not only enjoyable, but also beneficial to you. Numerous health benefits of hiking have been demonstrated, from the physical activity you get on the trail to the emotional and mental relief that comes from being in nature.

Hiking is one of the best ways to get exercise. No matter your trail type and level you find yourself on, hiking is an excellent whole-body workout.

You can find below some physical benefits of hiking:

  1. Less stress
    According to a plethora of research, even quick treks in the woods reduce stress. It’s no accident that several studies list hiking as the best antidepressant.
    Furthermore, hiking generates endorphins, just as during any other type of exercise, which improves our mood! Remember that stress management enhances our sleep and guarantees a higher standard of living!
  2. Better health
    Not only can hiking help with mental wellness, but it also helps with lung function and overall physical health. Individuals who go hiking regularly eventually achieve lower blood pressure, heart rates, cholesterol, and weight.
    Regular hiking is associated with a lower risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, depression, and other illnesses.
  3. Improve your physical condition
    Walking on trails with varying degrees of incline can help strengthen and tone the muscles in your legs naturally, thanks to the numerous twists, turns and other challenges that shifting terrain provides. Hiking can also help you build upper body strength, working out your arms, shoulders and abs through proper, dynamic arm movement. Additionally, this form of cardiovascular exercise can help improve heart function and increase endurance.

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